Contact Us
If you have any questions, comments, or would like to just say hi, you can reach us via phone, email or through Facebook! If you would like to reach us via email, use the form below or email us at
We try to get back to everyone within 24-48 hours, however we are busy and have lives too, please understand :]

Phaze 1 Screen Printing
410 Croghan Street.
Fremont, Ohio 43420
Ph: (419) 334-4755
Ph: (800) 735-4755
Fax: 419-334-4770
FB: @Phaze1ScreenPrinting
Monday: 9am-5:00pm
Tuesday: 9am-5:00pm
Wednesday: 9am-5:00pm
Thursday: 9am-5:00pm
Friday: 9am-5:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed